로유에스의 개발 회피 블로그

임시)유튜브 리벤스드 v18.39.41 ) 23.10.19 업데이트) 본문


임시)유튜브 리벤스드 v18.39.41 ) 23.10.19 업데이트)

로유에스 2023. 10. 19. 13:03

리벤스드 공지 :
다음주에는 휴가로 인해 업데이트가 없을 예정이라 이번주에는 자주 빌드를 공개하게 되었습니다🫠

이러한 이유로, 아마도 일요일쯤에 추가 핫픽스가 출시될 예정입니다.

feat(YouTube): add support version v18.38.44, v18.39.41
feat(YouTube): add Hide toolbar button patch
feat(YouTube/Disable haptic feedback): Disable seek haptic feedback now also disables seek undo haptic feedback
feat(YouTube/Hide seek message): now the seek undo message (Release to cancel) is also hidden
feat(YouTube/Hide shorts components): remove the Hide toolbar setting and add settings to hide each toolbar button
fix(YouTube/Enable minimized playback): play button not available after playing Shorts inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1539
fix(YouTube/Hide account menu): improve patch method
fix(YouTube/Hide comment component): Hide emoji picker hides timestamps for chapters inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1556
fix(YouTube/Hide general ads): reflection of changes in new layout
fix(YouTube/Hide handle): handle is not hidden in You tab inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#630
fix(YouTube/Hide mix playlists): when MixPlaylists are included in my playlist (library), all playlists are hidden
fix(YouTube/Hide player flyout panel): components are not hidden in new layout inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1410
fix(YouTube/Return YouTube Dislike): dislike count for previous video is displayed after clicking dislike button in Shorts inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1547
fix(YouTube/Settings): header for Experimental Flags is added even though Experimental Flags is empty
fix(YouTube/Settings): patch names in Patches Information section do not match inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#1555
refactor(Litho filter): reduce memory requirement for prefix tree searching ReVanced/revanced-integrations#501
feat(YouTube/Translations): update translation
Brazilian, Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese



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